
St. Anne's First Grade College for Women

Accredited by NAAC , AICTE Approved

Affiliated to Bengaluru City University

Grievance Redressal Cell

The Grievance Redressal Cell was constituted in 2011 to formally look into the grievances and suggestions of students. The Cell has representatives from both staff and students. The staff representatives are the IQAC Core Committee and the student representatives are the Student Union President, General Secretary and Campus Secretary.

A Suggestions Box has been put up on the ground floor of the B.Com. Block and students can write and drop in their grievances and suggestions. However, oral grievances and suggestions are also accepted and looked into.

Primary Objectives
  • To address the grievances of the students.
  • To maintain accountability and encourage responsibility.
  • To take note of and consider the suggestions made.
  • To ensure that the students have as positive an experience in college as possible.
Secondary Objectives
  • To provide a forum for students to voice their grievances and suggestions.
  • To make the students feel that they are an important stakeholder in the Institution.
  • To create awareness of the empowerment that is available and that they can be the agents of change.
  • To encourage students to become active members of the college and society, not just passive onlookers
Standard Operating Procedure:

Certain guidelines have been drawn up governing the working of the Cell to ensure that the grievance redressal mechanism is not misused.

  • Grievances and suggestions can be represented
    • In writing through the suggestions box
    • Orally by contacting any of the Cell members or the Principal either directly or indirectly, through the Mentor, Class Teacher, any other lecturer or Class representatives
  • When using the Suggestions Box, the class should be mentioned when necessary to facilitate the redressal of grievances
  • It is optional to write the name but students are made aware that the matter will be kept confidential even if they do write their names. There will be no repercussions.
  • The Cell meets at regular intervals to consider these grievances and suggestions.
  • Grievances will be redressed in the best possible way within the shortest period of time possible, within the framework of the institution’s rules and regulations.
  • If the matter cannot be redressed according to the expectations, an explanation is given for the same.
  • In certain cases where the grievances are related to matters pertaining to another committee of Cell, the grievance is taken to the concerned party for redressal.
  • Frivolous grievances and suggestions will not be entertained.