
St. Anne's First Grade College for Women

Accredited by NAAC , AICTE Approved

Affiliated to Bengaluru City University

ED Cell

Entrepreneurship Development Cell (Uthkarsh)
Student should be the best leader in enabling and facilitating entrepreneurs.

The ED Cell at St.Anne’s F.G.C nurtures the entrepreneurial initiatives of all students with the support of staff and management along with adequate professionals to provide necessary guidance and training to our students to make their dreams into reality.

The ED Cell members are identified with their talents and interests and are divided into groups to further provide them necessary training to grow their talents and build their own business.

“Sthree Vikas” programme is an initiative wherein the groups of students are sent for training in their interested fields under trained professionals. The programme is active during their vacation after University Examination. The ED Cell members are encouraged to put up their business during E-Day and on Intercollegiate Fest / Conferences etc. Thus the academic entrepreneurial ecosystem plays a vital role to create and sensitize the development of women entrepreneurs.


Create and develop our society by enabling entrepreneurs with integrity and sustainability and encourage individual students to showcase their ability and creativity.


Support the sparks of budding entrepreneurs and manifest the spirit and energy of young students from ideation to establishment and gliding them to venture into innovations.

  • To build Entrepreneurial culture among students
  • To act as intermediate between the College and Industries.
  • To conduct Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps and Entrepreneurship Development Programs
  • To organize visits to industries for forthcoming entrepreneurs.
  • To conduct skill development trainings to make self employment.