
St. Anne's First Grade College for Women

Accredited by NAAC , AICTE Approved

Affiliated to Bengaluru City University

IPR Cell

The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell is focused to recognize the importance of intellectual property by its teachers and students. The Cell encourages the creativity and innovations of its people which lead to generation of Intellectual Property (IP). The cell is committed to support and guide the students and staff in protecting their innovative and creative ideas.

The cell understands the growing significance of IPR in business and research. The IP reasoning encourages innovation without fear of a competitor, who may steal the idea or take the credit for it. Therefore, the Cell conducts awareness seminars and workshops to advice and guides the students and faculty on the importance of IP and encourages the faculty members to carryout patent searches in-house. IPR workshops are organized periodically to familiarize the rights of copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets and the enforcement of the rights by a court via a lawsuit.

IPR Cell at St.Anne’s First Grade College for Women was established on 8th July 2014 by Rev. Sr. Shanthi, President, St.Anne’s Educational Society, Rev. Sr. Kamala, Assistant General, St.Anne’s Educational Society and our Principal Dr. Sr. Aneecia to enhance the cause and objectives of the Patent Information Centre (PIC), Karnataka.

The IPR Cell has set out the collaboration framework by and between KARNATAKA STATE COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY { KSCST} through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 7th February, 2018 at Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bengaluru - 560012 represented by Secretary, KSCST, IISc Campus, Bangalore and IPR CELL, St.Anne’s First Grade College for Women. Thus, KSCST nominate resource persons for the IPR workshops/seminars/competitions/awareness programme and provide assistance in securing the registration for IPR.


Promote, preserve, encourage and facilitate innovation and research. The vision of IPR cell is to be source of new ideas and innovations.


To create an environment which delivers innovative ideas, conduct research and facilitate resources for development of intellectual property.

  • To create an awareness about IPR for faculties and students of the Institution.
  • To conduct workshops, seminars and training programs on IPR and patent filing processes.
  • To disseminate knowledge on patents and registration methods in India and abroad.
  • To encourage faculty members and scholars towards patentable works and innovation.
  • To coordinate between Inventors, IP consultants, Attorneys and PEC authorities for filing and managing patents.
  • To educate the faculty on obtaining copyrights for their publications.
  • To provide awareness to the public through IP Road Shows, IP Street Play and various competitions.
IPR Cell Members
SlNo. NamePosition
1Dr. Sr. Aneecia, Principal, St.Anne’s F.G.C, Miller Road Nodal Officer
2Dr. Bharath, Professor, Dept of KannadaMember
3Mrs. Priya M.S, Associate Professor, Dept of Computer ScienceMember
4Ms. Aishwariya Lakshmi V A , Assistant Professor , Dept of CommerceMember
5Ms. Janani. B, Assistant Professor , Dept of Computer ScienceMember
Advisory Board
SlNo. NamePosition
1Dr. S.G. Sreekanteshwara Swamy Executive Secretary, Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology,IISc, Bangalore.
2Shri. Vivek Anand SagarConsultant and IP Attorney, Patent Information Centre, Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology, IISc, Bengaluru.
3Shri. M.G. Kodandaram, IRSRetd. Assistant Director,Advocate and Consultant.
4Shri. S. G. Mohan,Consultant, Patent Information Centre, Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology, IISc, Bangalore.