
St. Anne's First Grade College for Women

Accredited by NAAC , AICTE Approved

Affiliated to Bengaluru City University


Code of Ethics for Students
Instructions for the Election of Class Representatives & Duties of Class Representatives
  • Class Representative who are responsible and able to maintain discipline of the whole class.
  • They should be punctual and regular.
  • They should relate with everyone in the class and not just with a circle of friends whom they like.
  • They should abide by the rules of the college and take care that the whole class follow them.
  • They should be faithful and sincere to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to them by the Principal and lecturers. If the elected class representatives do not fulfill the responsibilities expected of them, they will be replaced.
  • Class representatives should motivate the class to participate in co-curricular activities and there should be compulsory participation in every event.
  • Class representatives should update to the mentor / class teacher every concern, happenings, problems etc. of the class.
Class and Corridor Decorum


  • Keep your class – room clean.
  • Preserve furniture and facilities for future generations of students.
  • Do not write or scribble on the benches / desks / walls / doors and windows.
  • Use the dust bins in the class rooms for disposing dry waste (Paper / pencil sharpening)
  • Do not keep dust bins at the entrance of the class room.
  • Dispose wet waste in the dust bins provided outside (left over food etc.)

Energy Conservation / Health Promotion

  • Use lights and fans when necessary
  • Switch them off whenever you leave the class room.
  • Keep the windows open during class hours to ensure adequate ventilation. Close and latch them before leaving for the day.
  • P. T hours should be followed compulsorily.

Class Room Discipline

  • Stand and wish the lecturers when they enter your class and stand and say “Thank you” after every class.
  • Do not scream and make noise and disturb other classes.
  • Maintain silence when the lecturers are taking class and give them your full attention. Do not write notes / records / assignments of other subject when class in going on.
  • Do not carry mobile phones to college
  • Take care of your personal belongings. The college is not responsible for loss of books, money etc.
  • Listen to the instructions given by the class prefects to ensure class discipline.
  • Co- operate with class prefects to meet deadline of assignment submission etc.

Corridor Discipline

  • Do not stand in the corridor in between class hours or during any free hours.
  • Give way for lecturers and staff to walk along the corridors.
  • Do not stand in groups and block the entrance to the staff room, Office or any other room.
Bench Leaders

Duties of Bench Leaders

  • Cleanliness of the bench and desk of which you are the leaders.
  • No scribbling or damaging of your bench and desk.
  • Not to litter anything beneath your bench and desk or in the whole class room.
  • Not to stick any paper or charts on the walls of the classroom.
  • If any garbage found beneath your bench and desk, you or the group members to pick it up and put in the dust bin placed in the class.
  • To see that dust bin is placed not in front corner but at the back corner of the class room.
Instructions and Rules for those who bring Mobile to the College

Students are asked to follow the rules/instructions strictly. Mobile will be confiscated by the college authority from anyone who violates any of the given rules.

  • Avoid bringing mobiles to the college is the best solution to avoid misuse.
  • In case you bring mobile, Switch off at the gate before you enter the college until you leave the college gate,
  • Should not switch on in between to check message, to send message or call anyone.
  • In case you are found using mobile in the classrooms, corridors, and anywhere in the campus, your mobile will be confiscated by the college authority.
  • College authorities will not be responsible for the loss of your mobile and any complaints about any loss of mobile will not be entertained.
  • Any wrong message/negative message about the college, staff, or other students even after the college hours if sent you, strict action will be taken.
University Exam Instructions

All the Degree Students are asked to follow the Instructions Strictly

  • Enter the Examination hall as soon as you hear the first bell, do not sit and chat instead try to recollect what you have studied and fill in the required details on your answer booklet
  • Pray for a while for God’s blessing on you, to do the exam well
  • You need to bring
    • A.) Hall Ticket
    • B.) I.D Card
    • C.) Stationery- pen, pencil, rubber, scale, Calculator,
  • Do not borrow writing materials and calculator during the exam from other students in the exam hall without the permission of the invigilator
  • Do not bring Mobiles, cash or any other valuables, as your bags will have to be left outside the examination hall.
  • Do not carry a pencil box
  • Follow the dress code of the college – do not wear clothing with pockets.
  • Do not carry any chits or paper
  • Do not write anything on your hand or any other part of your body
  • Write only your Reg. Number on your question paper and not anything else.
  • Do not write or scribble on the slides, desk and bench
  • Do not apply Mehandi on your hands or any parts of your body during exam days
  • Carry your own water if you think you will need it during the exam.
  • Handover your question paper to the exam invigilator if you leave the exam hall before the prescribed time and get it back once the time is over.
  • Enter the serial number of the Answer Booklet on the Nominal form and sign correctly against the subject and date.

Hall ticket to be Xeroxed and a copy retained with you

  • College is not responsible for the loss of any valuable articles.
  • Check if you have received the correct Question Paper before you start answering. (Freshers/Repeaters etc.,)
  • Students should use only black point pen.

Note: Action will be taken against those who violate the above rules

College Calendar

pdf College Calendar