
St. Anne's First Grade College for Women

Accredited by NAAC

Affiliated To Bengaluru City University


Internal Quality Assurence Cell (IQAC)

In compliance with the supreme ideology of the governing body of Higher Educational Institutions the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, St. Anne’s First Grade College for Women established its Internal Quality Assurance Cell in July 2014, a post-accreditation initiative. This course of action was taken as a part of the institution’s quality enhancement and quality sustenance measure. The prime focus of the IQAC is to evolve a quality culture of high calibre for conscious, consistent and catalytic advances in the holistic development of the institution in all its academic and administrative endeavours. The IQAC is a facilitative and participative nucleus of the institution, ushering in quality in assessment and accreditation by taking up novel initiatives and planning interventionist strategies and deploying these towards achieving the higher objectives/goals of the institution in continually striving for excellence.

NAAC Certificate

In the continual pursuit of excellence to Ensure Evolve and Emerge as unique Quality Promoting Ambassadors


In this endeavour to promote and strengthen working relationships to address all quality enhancement initiatives in the institution premised on the institution’s Vision, Mission and goals, to adapt to the ever changing socio-economic-cultural climate of education and equip students to face the challenges of the pervasive global vision of quality assurance.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

In keeping with the NAAC specifications the IQAC was established in the year 2014 of June, soon after its first cycle of accreditation in March 2014. The progress of the cell has been a steady growth and the passage of time has helped this committee to echo the ambitions of the NAAC in enhancing quality in education. Every year has been a learning experience and a step forward in ushering a climate of change for the good in the institutional functioning. The driving force has been the clear cut definitions of quality stated by the NAAC and our endeavour is to continue to strive towards achieving their benchmark of excellence. We also sincerely hope to adapt to the changes and adopt high standards of quality and play an important role in bringing about a revolution in the education sector.

The primacy of this cell is
  • To evolve a system for diligent and meticulous action to enhance the academic and administrative performance of the institution
  • To promote a culture of quality through innovative techno-abled practices
  • To provide a learner-centric environment for the principal stakeholders and to assist them to confront the multi-dimensional demands and challenges of the industry
  • To implement and sustain quality systems which will ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards
  • To motivate and facilitate quality measures in improving teaching quality through Upgrading initiatives such as professional development opportunities and programs
  • To empower the faculty and administration staff by sending them for training programs and FDPs
  • To provide adequate and supportive facilities to enhance student learning experience in the campus
  • To provide recordal mechanisms for feedback from the stakeholders to continually strive to incorporate changes in keeping with the changing scenario
  • To develop, implement, monitor benchmarks and high standards in all activities of the college

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell shall evolve mechanisms and procedures for

  • Organizing meetings with External expert and Heads of departments
  • Approves proposals put forth by Committees/Cells/Units/Department heads
  • Addresses grievances of students at the end of each semester
  • Follows-up on the grievances submitted and redressed if feasible
  • Collects course feedback, faculty feedback, alumni feedback and parent feedback
  • Organizes a parent-orientation program at the beginning of each academic session
  • Organizes national level seminars on quality enhancement
  • Encourages faculty to attend seminars/conferences/workshops/symposia/FDPs
  • Conducts both internal and external AAA
  • Proposals are placed before the principal for amelioration of facilities and infrastructure
  • Monitors the mentor-mentee record and calls for regular PTMs
  • Scrutiny of all reports/records/documents/registers of committees/clubs/depts.

The IQAC will facilitate and contribute towards its chief objectives and strive in the endeavour to ensure, assure and usher across the various parameters a robust culture of quality. In this direction it will

  • Emphasize on appropriate standards of institutional functioning-academic and administrative
  • Make no compromises in quality enhancement drives
  • Ensure that the quality assurance process is a continuous one
  • Coordinate all activities of the various cells/committees/clubs/units and college programs
  • Work consistently and diligently in taking initiatives and accomplish goals set in ameliorating quality initiatives
  • Through brainstorming sessions to promulgate an ethos of quality culture among the stakeholders
  • Provide a platform for discussions and trouble-shooting problems as and when they arise
  • Provide the much-needed support system for all aspects of institutional progress
  • Institutionalize all good practices in the endeavour of ushering in quality changes in the institution to keep pace with changes happening around the globe
  • Be a dynamic force that will be the impetus for all quality initiatives
  • Evolve and enhance the quality check methodologies and ensure good communication channels
Operational Features of the IQAC

Quality Assurance will be dynamics and hallmark of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell. The Cell will operate with a neatly charted plan at the close of each academic session to plan in advance for the forthcoming year. The Cell will also state clearly its goals for each year and to achieve them will specify the parameters to evaluate the tasks completed. The members of the cell will meet regularly to review tasks fulfilled and discuss areas to be worked on, improved and strengthened with greater commitment and dedication. The IQAC members will also conscientiously work towards creating channels for effective devolution of duties and work in the interest of the institution only. The IQAC will work in consensus with the department heads, cell/committees/clubs conveners and disclose its Strategic Perspective Plan to generate a spirit of camaraderie and work as one united force for the betterment of the institution. Finally the IQAC will keep itself updated on the initiatives of the governing bodies and the NAAC in particular on all quality enhancement ambitions.

Monitoring Mechanism

The IQAC will conduct audits both internal and external to accomplish their quality enhancement initiatives.

Documentation of the records will be the prime focus of the IQAC and communicated to all concerned in bringing about positive changes The IQAC will form a nexus between the Management, Principal, faculty and student body to achieve tasks set every year

Regular documentation and SPP of each committee/cell/club and following it stringently will provide ample scope for annual submission of the AQAR to NAAC

The IQAC will also put in place a feedback system, which will in turn benefit each of the stakeholders

The IQAC shall also create its exclusive space on its institutional website and regularly upload its activities and host its annual report .


Strategic Perspective Plan & Deployment Plan

pdf IQAC SPP DP 2021 - 2022

pdf IQAC SPP DP 2020 - 2021

pdf IQAC SPP DP 2019 - 2020